What is Dance/Movement Therapy?
Learn about the characteristics and benefits of Dance/Movement Therapy through the experience of those who tried it.
StepAhead is now on IG
StepAhead is now on Instagram ! As a new baby born over there, we need a lot of cuddles to grow. Please show us some love by following us on www.instagram.com/stepaheadlifementoring Take a few seconds today to follow us and share our page with your friends to help us...
Découvrez la Danse/Mouvement Thérapie
Découvrez les caractéristiques et bénéfices uniques de la Danse/Mouvement Thérapie à travers le témoignage de ceux qui l’ont essayée.
06-12-2020 | Workshop en ligne “My 2021”
SAVE THE DATE Dimanche 6 Décembre - de 13h à 15h Marre de 2020? Et si nous explorions notre inconscient pour savoir ce qui nous attend en 2021? De chez vous, installés confortablement dans votre canapé, découvrez la magie du Vision Board pour une vision claire de...
Workshop “Movement for body-mind healing”
In this workshop, we will be exploring movement in a playful yet supportive environment though thepsycho-somatic developmental approach of Dance/Movement Therapy, to access to and unleash ourinner resources. We will be going through a full soothing session based on...
Where Dance/Movement Therapy benefits children with special needs
An interesting article to read on how Dance/Movement Therapy benefits Autistic children...