Fondatrice de StepAhead | justice sociale et santé holistique
Praticienne en Danse /Mouvement thérapie.
Lili est française, danseuse passionnée de longue date, mentor de vie et ancienne responsable du plaidoyer d'ONG qui a consacré sa vie à la justice sociale, aux communautés et à la résilience des individus. Elle propose des services sur mesure aux particuliers, aux ONG et aux entreprises du monde entier, en utilisant le pouvoir thérapeutique de l'art et du mouvement pour renforcer la résilience grâce à la créativité et à la connexion du corps et de l'esprit.
Diplômée d'une Master en études européennes et internationales, elle a travaillé dans le secteur du développement international durant plus de 10 ans à travers le monde. Elle a obtenu un diplôme universitaire en Danse/Mouvement Thérapie (DMT) avec l’association indienne CMTAI et l’université Saint Mira à Pune, en Inde. Lili a également suivi une certification "Coach de vie par l’art thérapeutique", et est praticienne en soins énergétiques.
Elle a été formée à diverses formes de danse et s'est produite su scène à New York, Paris et en Asie. Sa passion pour la danse latine, en particulier la salsa, l'a amenée à développer une connaissance approfondie de certaines techniques qu'elle utilise dans ses séances de danse /mouvement thérapie, notamment pour travailler efficacement sur la connexion et la communication.
Lili est active dans la défense de la justice sociale et pense que l'art et la danse sont des outils puissants pour sensibiliser et promouvoir les droits de l'homme. Dans cette optique, elle travaille également avec des organisations sur des outils de plaidoyer et la création d’évènements où l'art et la danse sont les principaux catalyseurs de changement et de sensibilisation de tous aux défis de notre temps.
Sur la base de son expérience de vie, Lili a développé StepAhead : un espace accueillant qui soutient les individus dans leur parcours de de vie et les communautés vers plus de changement social.
Nos précédentes missions

Dance/Movement Therapy for vulnerable populations
Weekly sessions in group provided to urban refugees / Special workshop developed for the refugee population being trained as interpreters

Dance/Movement Therapy for resilience in a time of covid-19
Diverse workshops on “building resilience through movement”

Dance/Movement Therapy for dancers
A five week-program developed for dancers and movers to explore outside their usual practice

Vision Board & Movement for personal development
StepAhead Signature Workshop where Movement exploration gives more depth to the elaboration of the vision Board. Some of the recent themes facilitated: “my life post-lockdown: letting hope flow again”; “Manifest the life you’re aimed for”; “What’s for me in 2021?”

Online Dance/Movement Therapy
Group sessions during COVID-19 lock-down period

Life mentoring program
StepAhead Signature Life Mentoring programme to support individuals in their life turning point through Art and Movement-based activities
Clients Testimonies
Cinthia C. – NYC
“I met Lili at a time I was going through a transition of self-discovery and realization. She was a good listener, empathetic, understanding, and encouraging. Her openness allowed me to open up to her as well. She gave me a great gift that reflected her understanding of my current state, and a guidance to continue into the future. Having the courage herself of leaving everything she knew behind to pursue her life’s goals, Lili is the perfect asset to have by your side when going through a changing process. Always with a positive attitude, and perspective to guide in the right direction that works for you”
Bua K. – Bangkok
“Lili is such a supportive and lovely coach. Her session allowed me to feel liberated, from stress and mental constraint and being expressive while being in touch with my inner-self. Great for reflection and self-exploration, especially if you enjoy moving around!”
Ros L. – Tanzania
“The best coaching I’ve ever received. Thank you for being patient with me and for walking with me every step of the way”
Mint T. – Bangkok
“I feel more relax after dance movement session. Lili invited us to connect with our body & feeling at the moment. She let us go with the flow. Follow our heart and music. This workshop made me more energy and discover something in my mind. Thank you so much, Lili. Hope to see you again”
Cathy B. – Paris
“Beautiful experience made thanks to and with Aurélie, the feeling of letting go, living the moment and keeping the benefits, for the body and mind thank you so much Aurelie”
Laetitia R. – Hong-Kong
Harrison P. – California
“Working with Lili has been an eye-opening experience and forever fruitful. I was faced with a predicament that would define me and my career when I came across Lili. With my mind filled with frustration and doubt of myself, she was able to help me sort out my thoughts and emotions so that I can make a positive and productive decision. This decision has been paramount to where I am today. Not only in my professional life but also in my personal life”
Wan R. – Bangkok
“Before meeting Lili, I was lacking energy and suffering from stress. Since then, I improved my emotion and strength. Lili is very caring and kind, possessing all characteristics for being a good therapist”
Laura K. – Germany
“I was really lucky to have had an inspiring, sweet, and supportive conversation at a turning point in my life that shaped my further future. I received great advice with really good intentions that left footsteps on my path for which I will always be grateful”